Me and the Moon: Conversations Under the Night Sky ✨️

There's something truly magical about sitting under the moonlight—it's simultaneously chilling and comforting. You don't feel alone; it's like having a friend by your side, engaging in a meaningful conversation. I find immense inspiration in these moments with the moon; it's almost as if it's answering my deepest questions. Tuesday ,25 Jun 3:06 am

Who is your support system?

I used to be very independent and found it difficult to ask for help when I needed it. Even now, although to a lesser extent, I still find it challenging sometimes to seek help, especially from my close family and friends. Last year, I faced some really tough times, but I was fortunate to have … Continue reading Who is your support system?

The Problem with Grief, or More Accurately, the Issue with Boredom and Emptiness

When there's nothing to do and you're faced with an empty schedule, the first thing your mind tends to focus on is grief in all its forms—be it from losing loved ones, breakups, or divorces. Memories start surfacing, and you find yourself plunged into thoughts of loss. The difficulty with grief lies in the fact … Continue reading The Problem with Grief, or More Accurately, the Issue with Boredom and Emptiness

Reflections from the Past Few Days: Navigating Disappointment and Expectations

We often hear about fear, sadness, and anger , but there is another dangerous emotion that doesn't get as much attention: frustration and disappointment.  I've come to realize  that when we get disappointed, we tend to subconsciously turn it into anger or fall into deep sadness or depression. Disappointment often hides behind these more recognized … Continue reading Reflections from the Past Few Days: Navigating Disappointment and Expectations

Notable thing !!!

What notable things happened today? A notable thing that happened today is that I couldn't sleep until 5 a.m., which is unusual. I didn't feel like I wanted to sleep and felt energetic, probably because I had a large mug of  iced coffee last night lol It's Iced Spanish Latte actually