Personal Challenges as an Extrovert / It’s all about the balance

I’ve noticed that I need to constantly stay busy to avoid falling into cycles of overthinking, repetitive thoughts, and feelings of sadness, which often stem from boredom. I might have ADHD , today, I re-discovered something I was already aware of: when I am not doing anything, I often feel extreme boredom followed by  states of deep sadness .My mind needs to be constantly engaged in practical activities.

In 2021, due to COVID-19 and the subsequent lockdown that lasted for over a year ,I started to realize  that I thrive on interacting with people and engaging in conversations. , I just  get motivated by the presence of others .As a very active and social person, it’s difficult for me to go long without seeing anyone or to stay at home for extended periods. I quickly fall into frustration, boredom, and laziness. This has been a significant issue for me. I discovered that being around others is crucial for my well-being ,especially when my thoughts are organized, my mental state is clear, and my emotions are balanced or  when I’m feeling extremely positive or happy . In such situations, staying alone often leads to laziness, boredom, and sometimes depression.. I think this is a significant issue for me. I first  discovered  this about myself in 2021 and today I reconsidered this issue and I think I need to work on it .

Like anyone, I prefer to be alone when I am mentally exhausted and need to gather my thoughts and understand myself. After 2021, I improved a lot in this regard, becoming much better at enjoying my routine and personal time as a social person, I began to appreciate my private time , while also enjoying social activities and hanging out with friends .However, in the last five months, I’ve been spending more time alone for various reasons, including temporarily delaying university and not working currently. I think I’ve spent too much time alone to the point where I feel very tired and just want to get out of my head. Additionally, my surrounding environment is somewhat negative, making it difficult for me to stay at home and causing extreme boredom, even though I still enjoy my hobbies. I believe it’s very healthy to regularly go out and interact with people or even animals so that we can appreciate and look forward to returning to our pleasant and cozy routine.

What do you think? Do you prefer staying at home or going out ?

37 thoughts on “Personal Challenges as an Extrovert / It’s all about the balance

  1. I’ve been more or less a hermit for about 10 years due to health and mobility issues, though I think I am an extrovert at heart. I’ve slowly gotten used to this state of affairs, so much so that the COVID lockdown did not affect my daily routine that much at all. Luckily I get a lot of stimulation from reading, thinking and writing. I would like to go out, but I’ve accepted that the solitary life is for me. Having said that, I try to improve my condition all the time and if things changed, I would become a wild social butterfly. One has to be realistic while at the same time trying to improve your lot. In the meantime, books and the internet are my portals to the world.

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    1. Wow, that is inspiring! I think being an extrovert or introvert doesn’t matter as long as you accept yourself and your situation. I get enthusiastic when I write too! Now I think I can be safely and happily alone. Thank God I trained myself. But still, sometimes I fail. The internet is a blessing, seriously. We can contact people from all over the world and engage with them in countless activities. We can write and share thoughts like what we are doing here too

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    2. I felt this. I myself struggle with mobility issues, as well as chronic pain. The only time I get out is to pay bills and do very limited grocery shopping because that’s all my body and severe chronic pain will allow me to do.

      A lot of my socialization is reading wp posts, writing poems, texting a few friends, and replying to messages.

      I would also like to interact and be more social with family and friends but unfortunately I am very limited on physical activity, including walking or standing for long periods of time, due to chronic pain. I wish things were different and I didn’t suffer with constant physical chronic pain but I’ve accepted it for what it is. If things were different, I would also be a wild and social butterfly. So I am right there with you and I feel your dilemma. If I didn’t have internet, wp, and social media, I would go stir crazy. Those are my only connections to the outside world.

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      1. Oh, acceptance is everything! Thank God for the internet—it has made it possible to reach out to friends and enjoy various activities without leaving home. I appreciate your comment. Stay healthy and safe, friend. ❤️❤️

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  2. I do wonder if the needing to stay busy is about being “extroverted”, about “ADHD”, or possibly connected to your attachment style which could be due to experiences of past trauma ?


    1. I don’t think so because, as I said, I’ve reached a point where I enjoy being with myself so much over the last three years. Being around others is no longer a must for me to be happy. However, I guess I need to socialize since I’ve been staying home for a long time ( 5 months)

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  3. I’ve just been writing a post for my blog about how I’ve come to see that every life is of value and contributes to the Whole. Just because it is not the life we imagined, doesn’t mean its not the life we are meant to lead. That belief has freed me up to see my whole world differently. Every life writes a line in the Big Book of the Cosmos. 😀

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    1. Wow wow It is very encouraging to hear that …i wake up saying to myself.. it’s really abt our perspective… the way we see things and convince our mind to believe !! Can’t wait to read what you wrote

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  4. Am an introvert but so talkative when I find the right person. I like staying indoors much often, I get depleted when I interact with many people. I’ve come to terms with who I am, but used to hate it when I was young because itfelt like I was leftout and nonsociable. I think it’s okay to be extroverted and outgoing if that’s what works for you, do what makes you happy don’t sit alone with your self if it makes you low.

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    1. Oh oh i felt that i become even more talkative with the right person lol I’m genuinely talkative …thanks for your thoughtful point of view …and again yes as long as you accept being an extrovert or an introvert then it’s not a problem

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  5. Thankfully, I no longer rely much on external factors to be happy and satisfied. However, I’m starting to feel tired of not socializing with others and think I’m beginning to feel bored.

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      1. Oh i have many good friends thankfully and i enjoy being around them …i think in this coming days I’ll be more sociable than staying at home and working …i think i was too lazy lol … and i believe ,relying on others always to be happy is not good and staying alone, not socializing and conversing with people for an extended period isn’t healthy either. It’s all about finding a balance.

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      2. Lol i just have a question im curious to know …do introverts get bored being with themselves all time ?? Sincce they enjoy their private time more ..that doesn’t mean they don’t get bored right? L unfortunately I’m not knowledgeable about this 🤣

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      3. Introverts love being alone, being alone makes us calm and at peace with less distractions. A company of one or two genuine friends may make an Introvert even more calmer. But being in the mix of a lot of people only distracts us and drains our energy if we are engaged for a long period of time. It’s just like extroverts wanting to being in the mix for them to feel energised for us It’s the opposite.

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      4. Thank you for explaining it so well. I understand the concept now. One way to determine if you’re an introvert or an extrovert is to observe how your energy levels are affected by social interactions. If spending a considerable amount of time with others drains your energy, you are likely an introvert. Conversely, if it energizes you, then you are probably an extrovert.

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